NWCS Statement of Community Expectation
Each member of the Northwest Chinese School community is expected to act in ways that show consideration and respect for other people and that provide a safe, healthy and good learning environment. Specific behavior expectations to ensure the academic integrity of the school and the personal health and safety of each individual follow. Membership in the NWCS is a privilege, not a right. Unwillingness or incapacity to live by these expectations is reason to question the appropriateness of one's membership in the community. Northwest Chinese School will consider violation of these expectations on a case-by-case basis.
· Expectations to All Members
All members of the NWCS community are expected to be honest in all communications and tests. The school views cheating in all its forms as unacceptable behavior.
All members are not permitted to possess, use, or be under the influence of alcohol or other illegal drugs on campuses and in any activities hosted by NWCS.
No smoking in the campuses.
Personal harassment based on race, sex, gender, age, grade, religious affiliation, disability, or sexual orientation is considered as a violation of personal respect, and will not be tolerated.
No action is to be taken, and no behavior exhibited, that threatens or compromises the health and safety of any individual, or that cause damage to school or personal property, whether by use without permission, theft, destruction, or defacement.
(Following are Bellevue Newport High School rules to which all members must follow)
Keep the classroom clean. Put everything back in its original place after the class. Leave the room as it was when you entered.
Do not touch anything in the classroom which does not belong to NWCS, such as books, markers, crayons, pens, pencils etc. These items were purchased by the Bellevue Newport High teachers and are their personal property.
Do not touch computers in the classroom.
Do not touch the smart board in the middle.
Do not move any desks and chairs outside of the classroom without the teacher's consent. You must move them back to the original setting if you moved any desks and chairs.
No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Do not litter. Do not write anything on the tables, doors, or walls.
· Expectations to All Students
All students must follow the Expectations to All Members.
Do not horse around or play any games not approved by the teacher in the classroom.
Be in the classroom on time. Your parent must inform the teacher in advance if you will be absent.
You must get the Principal's approval in order to change or try new classes.
Do not play or climb on the hill or big rocks in the campus.
Do not run on the parking lot. All students must follow the instructions of on-duty parents.
All students and parents must leave the classrooms promptly after the classes are finished at 1:00pm for janitors to clean the classrooms.
· Expectations to All Parents
All parents must follow the Expectations to All Members.
NWCS is a community school. Parents are expected to participate and volunteer in school activities for achieving its mission and educational goals.
Parents should help teacher to maintain classroom neatness.
Bring your child (ren) to classroom on time. Do not late for the class.
Communicate with your child (ren)'s teacher(s) proactively. Make sure that your child (ren) finish homework on time and well prepared to the tests.
Parents should attend all the teacher / parents conferences.
Parent must get the principal's signature if your child wants to transfer to another class or try a new class.
Parents must not enter and leave classroom during class time to avoid disturbing teacher and students.
Please pay attention to NWCS emails because email is a major communication avenue between school and NWCS families. Send an email to admin@nwchinese.org if you want to add or change your email address.
· Expectations to All Teachers
All teachers must follow the Expectations to All Members.
It is teacher's responsibility to lead students to keep the classroom order, including putting everything back to its original place after the class.
Teacher must be in classroom on time. You must inform the principal in advance if you are not able to teach a class. You should help the principal to find a substitute teacher.
Teacher should write the syllabus of class according to the curriculum. Syllabus must be ready one week before the semester starts. Syllabus should be distributed to students in the first class of a semester.
Teacher must be well prepared for each class according to the syllabus, and provide extra teaching and reading materials in necessary to achieve the educational goals. Teacher should hold students homework exhibition one or two times in a semester.
Teacher should correct homework timely, record student attendance every week, keep homework and test records, write comments for each student at the end of each semester.
Teacher should communicate to parents proactively, collect students and parents' feedback on the effectiveness of classroom teaching and homework, and adjust teaching pace and strategies to achieve the best teaching result.
Teacher should attend all professional trainings and teacher meetings held by NWCS.
Teacher should communicate to the principal routinely and response to school emails promptly.