NWCS 7th Weekly Briefings, 2018-2019 Fall Semester


Dear NWCS Fellow Members;

Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;


This Saturday, October 27th, 2018 will be our school'sseventh week of the fall semester. It is Midterm review and exam time again, please help your children to get ready for the Mid-term exams so they can be better prepared for the second half of our semester's learning.


二、数学组免费讲座信息:  好消息!为了帮助我校学生更好地备战即将举行的AMC8全国数学竞赛,西北中文学校数学组将于本周六和下周六提供两次赛前培训,时间为1027日和113日中午12:00-12:50。请有兴趣参加的学生点击该链接报名:https://goo.gl/forms/KujSXGcV63FZgnE73  报名后我们会通知您培训的地点,请注意:参与者必须是西北中文学校今年注册学生.

Good news! School math program department will host two special training sessions on the next two Saturdays (Oct. 27 and Nov. 3, between 12:00 - 12:50), to help your child prepare for the upcoming AMC 8 (Nov. 13 -https://www.maa.org/math-competitions/amc-8). Please reserve your seat by entering the information. We will send you more details later. Note: The training sessions are exclusively offered to NWCS members. And we can only take the first N reservations, due to the room capacity. Thank you very much for your cooperation. 


三、2018年第十届西雅图教育展将于本周六(1027日)上午9点至下午2点在Newport High School举行。此次教育大展特别邀请加州和华盛顿州多所大学的招生专员进行入学指导讲座并现场一对一解答学生及家长的问题,旨在帮助亚裔学生和家长获得更多的美国教育信息,促进新移民了解美国教育制度。大展还设有丰富精彩的现场活动,欢迎大家积极参加!同时也需要再次提醒大家:周六停车可能会很困难,请大家提早安排到校。另外,为了保证交通畅通,请千万不要在靠近教学楼的转弯区或是短时卸载区停车等人或停留过久。每次您在孩子下车后请立即把车开走,也不要停在这些地方等孩子下课。谢谢大家的合作!

This Saturday, October 27th, 2018, will be our school's ninth week of our fall semester.  And the 2017 Annual Seattle Education Exposition will be held on this coming Saturday from 9 am to 2pm at Newport High School. This Expo brings together admissions officers and other advisors from several universities from states like Washington and California to give high school students, as well as their parents, a better understanding of the college admissions process, higher education options, and how to make the most out of their college experience. We welcome every parent to take part in this grand event. Please expect parking difficulties on campus and make arrangement in advance to avoid being stuck in traffic and being late for your class. We also want to urge you tofollow the rules and not park your car at any place that would block the incoming traffic. Please do not park your cars at the roundabout or loading/unloading zone (the area close to the main school building). Stopping in those areas to wait for the students in those areas is also not acceptable. 


2019春节联欢演出接受节目报名: 西北中文学校2019年春节演出将于224日在Bellevue市中心的Meydenbauer Center举行。这是我们学校首次在这样高水准的剧场举行活动,这对所有春节演出参与者都将是一次崭新的体验,也能把我们学校文化风貌的表达提升到一个新的高度。欢迎各位老师、家长、同学参加演出或做演出的义工。请大家在113日前报上准备的节目,128日前把节目的初始录像发来以备评选。我们将在1231日前把节目的选取结果通知大家。 希望这次大家有更多的时间为演出做准备,也能把演出质量提高到一个新的水平。请把节目名称, 班级, 联系人电邮和电话等相关信息发往pta@nwchinese.org (注:由于此次演出设备不包括钢琴,请恕不接受需要现场钢琴演出的节目报名。)

Invitation for proposals for the 2019 Chinese New Year GalaOur 2019 Chinese New Year Gala will be held on Feb. 24 (with the rehearsal on Feb. 23) at the Meydenbauer Center in downtown Bellevue.  This is the first time we hold any event in such high-quality venue, and it will be a grand new experience for all participants.  We invite our teachers, parents, and students to showcase in the performances, or work as volunteers.  Please send in your proposed performance by Nov. 3rd and send in a recording of the preliminary performance by Dec. 8.  Selections will be made and announced by Dec. 31th.  Please send information such as the title of performance, Class name, Contact person, phone number, and email address etc. topta@nwchinese.org. (Please note: Because the rental of the performance venue does not include a piano, we will not be able to accept performance that require on-site piano use.)




Thank you all!



NWCS Admin Team


616 120th Avenue NE, Suite C-204

Bellevue WA 98005