About Us

About Us

西北中文学校创建于1995年,为经政府注册的非赢利教育机构,重点教授标准普通话(国语),简体字和拼音。学校周末授课,主校位于华盛顿BellevueNewport High School,分校设在Washington Middle School。经过十余年的努力,现在校学生已达1900多人次,教职员工近百人。除了从幼儿到成人不同年级的58个中文班之外,还开设了各种英文和数学加强班,国画、美术、舞蹈表演、小提琴班,以及免费为本校家长提供的成人英文、舞蹈、瑜伽和太极班等等。学校每年暑期还开办星期一至星期五的全日班,倍受社区欢迎。

我校师资精良,所聘请的教师全部具有高等以上学历及丰富的教学经验。十余年来,学校在管理和教学方面积累了丰富的经验,教学上已经形成了一整套集中西文化于一体的优秀教学方法,既系统严密又生动有趣,受到学生、家长和社区的欢迎和好评。在中文SAT-2 和中文AP 课程考试中我校很多学生获得满分的优异成绩。学校的数学班学生在各种州际数学竞赛活动中屡获优异成绩,成为这些活动中最璀璨的明星之一。西北中文学校得到美国学校认证机构的认证,学分可被其他美国学校认可为外语学分.

西北中文学校不但对学生们传授中文听、说、读、写的知识,还将丰富的中华文化和传统融于教学中。课外活动多姿多彩,中秋节吃月饼、讲故事,中国新年举办春节联欢会,年度学生书法美术展,学期末全校师生野餐会. 为孩子们及对中华文化感兴趣的美国朋友们提供了一个学习中国语言、弘扬文化和传统的学习环境,也为家长们及大西雅图地区的居民们提供了一个交流生活心得的最佳平台,成为人们生活中不可或缺的组成部分。

Northwest Chinese School is a Washington State registered non-profit educational organization founded in 1995; it specializes in teaching students Mandarin, simplified Chinese, and pinyin. It is a Saturday school with the main campus at Bellevue’s Newport High School and a Seattle branch at Washington Middle School. After over ten years of hard work, there are currently more than 1900 enrolled and 100 staff members at NWCS. Besides 58 Chinese classes ranging from preschool to adult, the school is also home to classes including enrichment math, English, Chinese youth painting, art, performing dance, and violin as well as free classes (English, dance, yoga, Taiji) for the school’s teachers and parents. Every summer, NWCS also has a full time summer camp that has been very well received by the general community.

NWCS teachers are all highly qualified and very experienced at their job; all of which having at least received a bachelor’s degree in education related subjects. Throughout its ten years in existence, the school has absorbed both western and eastern styles of teaching into a delightful blend that is both effective and enjoyable for the students. In taking either SAT-2 Chinese or AP Chinese courses, students have often received full scores in their examinations. Math is another particular strength of the school, with many students performing incredibly well in competitions on a statewide and national stage. NWCS is accredited by the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools (NAAS).

Not only does NWCS teach how to understand, speak, read, and write Chinese language, but it also imparts knowledge of Chinese traditions and culture. Outside of the classroom, there are a plethora of events and activities including celebrating the moon festival, Chinese New Year performing party, annual students exhibition of calligraphy & art, and capping it all off with the end of the school year picnic. Ultimately, NWCS is more than just a school that teaches kids about the Chinese language and culture, but it has also become a bustling center of a rapidly growing Chinese community.