NWCS 2nd weekly briefings, 2018-2019 Fall Semester


Dear NWCS Fellow Members;

Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;

一、新学年,新学期,新气象。上周六我们的新学期开学第一天各班级教学活动井然有序,其他各项报名,领书等工作的开展也有条不紊, 高效快捷,这和我们学校董事会成员,PTA家长会成员以及所有老师和行政管理团队的辛苦工作,互相配合和支持是分不开的,在此我们向大家表示衷心的感谢!你们的信任和合作让我们对新学年的工作充满了信心!

We indeed had a great smooth and orderly opening for our new semester last Saturday. Here we want to thank all the teachers, Board members, PTA volunteers and the admin team for their hard work and cooperation to make it happen. With your trust and support we are looking forward to a great year ahead!


二、本周六(9 22 )是我们主校秋季开学的第二周,我们行政管理团队将继续在主校大厅提供开学报名等各项服务工作。仍未交纳学费的家长,请您务必在本周六完成, 从第四周开始将累计附加每周五美元的延迟费。

This Saturday, September 22nd, 2018, will be our main campus's second week of the fall semester and our admin desk will continue to provide registration service at NHS during school time. If you have NOT paid the tuition by now, please do so on this coming Saturday at the Admin Desk. Starting from the 4th week, an additional $5.00 per week late-fee will be charged to your account if you fail to pay on time.



Online registration has been closed, our admin desk will help those parents who want to withdraw or switch classes.  Please NOTE: A 100% refund will only be available during the first two weeks. And there will be NO class switching after the first two weeks except by the principal's approval.


四、西北中文学校微信公众号自推出以来,一直深受大家喜爱。作为美国西北部规模最大的华文教育机构之一,西北中文学校一直在不断努力发展完善自己,现在学校为超过一千多个家庭服务,除了从幼儿到成人不同阶段的近六十个中文班之外,还开设了各种数学加强班,国画、美术、舞蹈、小提琴、太极和英文班以及广受欢迎的暑期班和夏令营等等。我们将继续通过这个公众号不断向大家推送中文学校的相关信息,希望大家关注和支持我们!欢迎大家加入西北中文微信公众号(WeChat ID: NWChinese!



Due to schedule conflict, the first day of Seattle branch has to be postponed to October 6th,2018. We apologize for any convenience this may have caused and we hope our parents at Seattle branch can help to spread this information to each other.



七、上周我们已经提醒各位老师同学和家长相互监督配合遵守学校教室管理条例,根据上周反馈回来的信息,第一周大家表现都很不错,希望大家再接再厉,一定要注意提醒学生们:绝对不能擅动Newport High School教室里任何老师的私人或者重要物品;不能擅自搬动桌椅(如实在需要搬动,请务必在离开前搬回原有位置);要注意保持教室清洁卫生。

We must remind each of us again that we need to review and abide by the “Rules & Regulations for Classroom Maintenance & Management” no matter you are a new member or an old one. For our own safety and for respecting other people, these rules should be followed by everyone: no food and drink in the classroom; no running, no pushing, no disturbing the classroom settings and no using or touching things in the classroom. If you must move the desk or chairs in the classroom, please do not forget to move them back at the end of the class.





Thank you all!



NWCS Admin Team


616 120th Avenue NE, Suite C-204

Bellevue WA 98005