NWCS 14th Weekly Briefings, 2017-2018 Spring Semester


Dear NWCS Fellow Members;

Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;



This SaturdayMay 19thwill be our 14th week for this semester and our classes will now enter final review and exam period. We hope every parent could cooperate with the class teacher and help our students to get ready for their final exams. There will be no class on May 26th next week.


二、本周六519我校数学部将组织一场有关我校暑期数学课程的答疑活动(时间: 上午1100 1145,地点:NHS1112教室),欢迎有兴趣的家长参加提问。今年我校暑期数学课程包括:

·        计算机初级编程班

·        SAT数学班

·        初中几何辅导班

·        初中代数辅导班

·        Algebra 2辅导班

·        奥数AMC 8辅导班

·        奥数AMC 10辅导班等。

课程介绍以及学费详情等请参见链接 http://www.nwchinese.org/newsite/summer-academic-courses 。小班教学,名额有限,请大家尽早报名。

On this coming Saturday (May 19th) morning 11:00 to 11:45 a.m., NWCS math program is going to host a Q&A session in room#1112, regarding NWCS math summer program. You are welcome to bring your questions to the session.

Below is a list of the summer classes that NWCS will offer this coming summer:

- AMC 8 training

- Advanced Algebra for middle school

- Advanced Geometry for middle school

- Advanced Algebra 2

- SAT math

- AMC 10 training

- Computer programming in Java

Course details are available at:



三、Bellevue分校课后班将631200-200学校办公室举办2018-2019新学期报名Open House,欢迎有兴趣的家长参观报名。提前注册的学生将享有免注册费和06/09以前报名还将得到第一个月学费10%的折扣,请大家尽早注册以免除后顾之忧。更多详情请致电206-422-8476(或电邮bellevue.manager@nwchinese.org)

There will be an OPEN HOUSE for 2018-2019 downtown Bellevue after school program registration on June 3rd from 12:00 to 2:00pm at Bellevue office, you are welcome to join if you are interested. If you register early, you will get your registration fee waived and receive 10% discount off your first month tuition. More detailed information, please feel free to contact 206-422-8476 (or email Bellevue.manager@nwchinese.org). 

2018年西北中文学校夏令营( 06/2608/31/2018的家长参观体验日安排在五月二十五日下午( 400-700pm) 地址: 16330 NE 4th Street, Bellevue WA 98008,欢迎有兴趣的家长前来参观咨询。

我校夏令营已经连续开办多年,一直得到家长们的广泛好评。我们有经验丰富的教师,多样的课程设置,宽敞明亮的教室,设施齐备的场所,活泼有趣的课堂和接送便利的地理位置。除每日的中文、数学、英文阅读、美术、书法,音乐和武术等课程,今年夏令营还将开办天才班考试预备班和乒乓球初级班。夏令营丰富多彩的课外活动更是深受孩子们喜爱。让您的孩子在这里度过一个轻松、愉快而有意义的夏天,在快乐中成长,是我们的心愿,更是我们的承诺(地址: Unity of Bellevue Church 16330 NE 4th street Bellevue, WA 98008)。欢迎 4-12岁的小朋友报名入学,课程设置以及学费等详情请参见链接:http://www.nwchinese.org/newSite/summer-day-camps

NWCS 2018 Summer Camp "Open House" will be held on May 25th, 2018 from 4:00 to 7:00pm. Address: 16330 NE 4th Street, Bellevue WA 98008. Parents and students are CORDIALLY invited to attend the event where you can meet face to face with camp teachers, and most importantly you can learn more about our programs in details.

We offer unique summer camp experiences for youth ages 4-12. Besides daily Chinese, math and English classes, we also arrange different activities and field trip every week. Our experienced teachers, convenient location, spacious classrooms and various fun activities will help your kids have a fun and learning summer. For our daily class schedules, enrichment class's introduction, registration and other related information, please check the complete schedule and tuition information at http://www.nwchinese.org/newSite/summer-day-camps)  


西北中文学校2018年毕业典礼将在69号上午 930 -11 点在主校 NHS 礼堂隆重举行。欢迎毕业班(五年级、八年级) 的家长和同学们一起参加,庆祝大家通过努力所取得的成绩。

NWCS 2018 graduation commencement will be held in NHS Theater from 9:30am to 11:00am on June 9th. All students of 5th, 8th, and 12th grade Chinese class, their teachers, parents and friends are cordially invited to attend this ceremony and celebrate this unforgettable moment.




Thank you all!



NWCS Admin Team


616 120th Avenue NE, Suite C-204

Bellevue WA 98005