NWCS PTA 15th weekly communications, 5/31/2018


  • 年度野餐活动将在6月9日举行 Annual picnic will be on 6/9
  • 本周值勤安排 (AM: 7E; PM: K-C)
  • 免费讲座

请家长们关照孩子在课堂休息期间不要在校区跑动,保持一个安静安全的学习环境。Parents please make sure that the children do not run around during class break.  Let us keep the school a quiet and safe study environment.



年度野餐活动将于6月9日举行 Annual picnic will be on 6/9
我们的年度野餐将于6月9日下午3点到8点在Newcastle Beach Park举行。PTA准备将准备一些食物和活动,今年特别提供一个冲气弹跳屋给小朋友们玩。请参加野餐的家庭也带上相应人数的食物在野餐时和大家分享。我们欢迎大家协助这次活动的准备和清洁工作。为了帮助PTA的准备工作,请于6月5日前在这里报上您会有多少人参加,能否在某方面当义工,以及所带的食物。Our annual picnic will be held on 6/9 from 3-8pm at Newcastle Beach Park.  PTA will prepare for some food and activities.  This year we will have a bouncy house at the picnic.   We invite all attending families to bring food to share at the picnic, and help out in the set up and cleaning for the event.  Please fill out this form before 6/5 to indicate the number from your family will be attending, what area you will be volunteering to help out, and the food item that you will bring.

Newcastle Beach Park地址:4400 Lake Washington Blvd SE, Bellevue

Classes on duty this week (Jun. 2): AM - 7E; PM - K-C
Coming up (Jun. 9): AM - 6E; PM - 2C
每班请安排4位安全巡逻家长。各位安全值勤家长请到校长办公处领取巡逻标识衣,所负责任包括在大楼外两面学生家长上下车处疏导交通、根据法规监督停车泊车、在大楼内(包括课间休息时间)监督学生的往来安全。请早上班的家长在8:40前到达,下午班家长在11:45前到达,并最少值勤到课间休息结束。Please arrange for 4 parents to serve.  Duties include directing traffic, at the entrances where students and parents get off their cars, outside of the school building, and ensure the safety of students inside the building, especially during class breaks.   Safety patrolparents must arrive before 8:40 for morning classes and before 11:45 for afternoon classes, and stay at least until the class break is over.
请参阅本学年值班时间表,了解自己班的值班安排,最少两星期前做好准备。Please take a look at the overall duty schedule to know your class' scheduled date, and prepare to organize the parent duties about 2 weeks ahead of time. If you have any questions or your role has been transferred to other parents, please contact Li, Minggang at: ming.li@nwchinese.org


 免责声明: 所有参与投资理财演讲的家长,应考虑投资本身的风险性,斟酌决定自己投资的可能性。西北中文学校提供演讲的场地,核实主讲人公司和其公众演讲许可证明,对家长个人投资错误或演讲内容误差一概不负任何责任。Parents who participate financial planning seminars should evaluate his or her own risk tolerance level and possibility before doing any investments.  NWCS provides classrooms for presenters, review and confirm each presenter's company and their approved public appearance. NWCS is not responsible for any individual investment loss or errors in presenter's materials.
主讲:Albert Chang
时间:本周六 (6/02/2018) 11:00am-12noon
地点:Room 1101
生涯规划铁三角~教育税务退休规划三合一 在这个不确定的年代里学费飙涨股市波动高额的税赋的大环境之下如何精准的掌握生涯规划将是人生中最重要的课题从孩子的教育基金规划到我们自己的投资税务退休等计划都是环环相扣至关重要!!我们本周将从三个角度来剖析生涯规划:1)包含如何为孩子储备教育基金申请助学金的同时可以兼顾到税务规划2)在投资与退休方面我们也会与大家分享在诡谲多变的股市当中如何利用不通的金融工具保护自己资产同时有效节税我们将以深入浅出的方法为大家做详实的解析您千万不能错过! 会后有抽奖活动寓教于乐欢迎大家踊跃参加
This seminarwill discuss what it means to be a Chinese American in the local community and how people can become involved. Mr. Lee as well as some of the interns of the Mayoral Internship Program will discuss their own experiences in America. A large part of the seminar will be hearing the stories of the audience and what issues they think are important for our community. The Mayoral Internship Program will be introduced as a way for students to get involved and promote civic engagement. The primary audience will be middle or high schoolers, but parents are also welcome Please see attached flyer for more information.

时间: 本周六 (6/2/2018)  11am-12noon
地点: Room 2119