NWCS 12th Weekly Briefings, 2017-2018 Spring Semester

Dear NWCS Fellow Members;
Dear All Parents, Teachers and Students;
This Saturday, May 5th, 2018, will be our school's 12th week of the spring semester. All NWCS classes of main campus and Branches will follow regular schedules as defined in our school calendar. Please come to school on time. We also want to remind our students and parents that the third floor of NHS building are not released to our school and we must stay away from it. Thank you for your cooperation!
二、我校机器人俱乐部再传捷报:在不久前结束的FIRST机器人科技挑战(FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC))2018世界锦标赛中,西北中文学校机器人俱乐部的 #12611TecchNova队经过四天激战,最后在来自世界的128个队伍中脱颖而出,取得Winning Alliance大奖。为了感谢大家的支持和激发同学们对FIRST机器人竞赛的兴趣,机器人俱乐部将于本周六(五月五)11:00 am - 12:30pm在中文学校大厅(Newport High School Commons area) 举行一次机器人展示。从中午12:00点到1:00俱乐部的两支FTC机器人队(#11138 Robo Eclipse #12611 TecchNova)还将1103教室里作有关机器人组织(FIRST) 和西北中文学校机器人俱乐部的演讲,并回答家长们对FIRST机器人竞赛相关事宜的问题, 欢迎感兴趣的家长和同学前来参加。
Do you want to learn what the NWCS Robotics Club do and what the club have achieved so far?  Do you want your kids to get involved with one of the most popular afterschool STEM activity or just get some knowledge about youth robotics programs?   Or do you want to know how you can start your own FTC robotics team? To thank your support and answer some of your questions about youth robotics programs, the NWCS Robotics Club will have a robotics demonstration and presentation by its two 2018 FIRST World Championship Participating FTC Robotics Teams, especially our 2018 FTC World Champion Team, 12611 TechNova. Please join us this Saturday, May 5th at the NWCS main campus (Newport High School).  Details of the event are as follows:
Activity #1. Robot demonstration
Location: NWCS Main Campus, Newport High School Commons
Date and time:  Saturday, May 5th.  11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Activity #2: Introduction of FIRST Robotics Program and NWCS Robotics Club
Location: NWCS Main Campus, Newport High School Classroom #1103
Date and time:  Saturday, May 5th.  12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
三、您想让孩子和自己度过一个轻松愉快的暑假吗? 2018年西北中文学校夏令营( 06/25/2018 08/31/2018, 周一至周五 8:00am6:30pm)准备工作已经就绪,开始接受您的报名! 我校夏令营已经连续开办多年,一直得到家长们的广泛好评。我们有经验丰富的教师,多样的课程设置,宽敞明亮的教室,设施齐备的场所,活泼有趣的课堂和接送便利的地理位置。除每日的中文、数学、英文阅读、美术、书法,音乐和武术等课程,今年夏令营还将开办天才班考试预备班和乒乓球初级班。夏令营丰富多彩的课外活动更是深受孩子们喜爱,比如做手工,看卡通电影, 魔术表演, 爬山, 保龄球,滑旱冰, 摘水果等。让您的孩子在这里度过一个轻松、愉快而有意义的夏天,在快乐中成长,是我们的心愿,更是我们的承诺(地址: Unity of Bellevue Church 16330 NE 4th street Bellevue, WA 98008)。欢迎4-12岁的小朋友报名入学,课程设置以及学费等详情请参见链接:http://www.nwchinese.org/newSite/summer-day-camps
It is time to plan for the summer again! Northwest Chinese School "Summer Day Camp" is now ready for early registrationhttp://www.nwchinese.org/newSite/summer-day-camps. [Time: 8:00am6:30pm Monday to Friday06/25/201808/31/2018; Location: Unity of Bellevue Church 16330 NE 4th street Bellevue, WA 98008]. We offer unique summer camp experiences for youth ages 4-12. Besides daily Chinese, math and English classes, we also arrange different activities and field trip every week, such as watching movie, Water Park going, magic show, hiking, skating and fresh fruit-picking etc. Our experienced teachers, convenient location, spacious classrooms and various fun activities will help your kids have a fun and learning summer. For our daily class schedules, enrichment class's introduction, registration and other related information, please check the complete schedule and tuition information at http://www.nwchinese.org/newSite/summer-day-camps) 
2018年西北中文学校夏令营( 06/2608/31/2017的家长参观体验日安排在五月二十五日下午( 400-700pm) 地址: 16330 NE 4th Street, Bellevue WA 98008,欢迎有兴趣的家长前来参观咨询。
NWCS 2018 Summer Camp "Open House" will be held on May 25th, 2018 from 4:00 to 7:00pm. Address: 16330 NE 4th Street, Bellevue WA 98008. Parents and students are CORDIALLY invited to attend the event where you can meet face to face with camp teachers, and most importantly you can learn more about our programs in details. 
今年暑假期间我校将继续在Bellevue分校推出一系列数学和计算机精品课程,包括:计算机初级编程班,SAT数学班,初中几何辅导班,初中代数辅导班,奥数辅导班等。上课时间:06/23/2018 09/12/2018。课程介绍以及学费详情等请参见链接http://www.nwchinese.org/newsite/summer-academic-courses 。小班教学,名额有限,请大家尽早报名。

本周我们将重点介绍其中的SAT数学暑期班:本课程将采用最新的教学方法,首先给每位学生提供一次诊断测试,然后对结果进行专业细心的分析,在此基础上为学生提供有针对性的教学和数学模拟考试,并通过完成四个数学单元的学习,帮助学生在最短的时间内快速准备SAT数学考试。课程时间:十次课,(7/7, 7/10, 7/12, 7/14, 7/17, 7/19, 7/21, 7/24, 7/26, 7/28) )周二,四晚上(6:30pm8:30pm)周六上午9:30am 11:30am
This summer our school will continue to offer a series of great summer programs at Downtown Bellevue branch, which include programs such as Basic Programming Summer Course, SAT math summer course, Math Olympic (AMC 8) Training Class and (AMC 10/12) Training Class etc. Date: 06/23/2018-09/12/2018. Please register these classes ASAP if you are interested in reserving a spot for your child. For details about these programs or registration form you can see attachments or open the link: http://www.nwchinese.org/newsite/summer-academic-courses )

This week we will introduce our summer SAT math course: it will work with every student to set up a flexible learning plan, according to analysis result from an initial evaluation test. The newly established learning modules and their respective session design will provide a best test preparation coverage, as well as in-depth test drill. We aim for student's significant improvement within a short period.
Number of Session:  10 From July 7th to July 28, 2018
Time: 6:30pm  8:30pm every Tuesday and Thursday,
  9:30am  11:30am every Saturday
我校义工家长于20181月至3月期间申请报送的微软和谷歌等公司的Volunteer Hours matching资金已经抵达。希望这段期间参加了申报的义工家长周六来Bellevue行政办公桌前登记办理资金划拨手续。
The Volunteer Hours matching funds applied between January and March of this year from Microsoft and Google Company were received by our school. Parent volunteers who have applied for the funds, please register at the Bellevue admin desk and indicate how you would like to allocate the fund on Saturdays.
Thank you all!
NWCS Admin Team
616 120th Avenue NE, Suite C-204
Bellevue WA 98005